16-17-18 May 2022 – Paris
This is Service Design Doing – Essentials (French spoken)

Learn how to apply Service Design Thinking to the rapid innovation of Customer Experiences in multi-channel Product-Service Ecosystems.

In this workshop you will experience the power of service design thinking first hand. You’ll not only become familiar with the fundamental tools and methods of service innovation, but also learn about the strategic design process and key skills of facilitation. The tools of service design are easy to grasp and easy to use, but are rooted in business reality and bring powerful clarity and insight. They can be used to design unique services or service components which will stand out from the competition, or to optimise existing services around what the customer really wants, cutting away wasteful effort and concentrating on a unique customer experience across various on- and offline channels.

The main take-away of the workshop will be the ability to apply several tools to your own business problems in order to innovate towards new value propositions. You will be able to instigate real service innovation projects in your organisation, leading and facilitating small project teams focused on individual service elements, or developing new value for your entire service offering.